The Zollenspieker Fährhaus
The place where we are is absolutely gorgeous.
Mission statement at Zollenspieker Fährhaus
Unsere einmalige Lage mit ihrem unverstellten Blick über die Elb-Landschaft bietet unseren Gästen Platz um Kraft zu tanken und zurück zu Ruhe und Gelassenheit zu finden.
Unser Ziel besteht darin, diese Energie weiter zu transportieren und so viele Menschen wie nur möglich daran teilhaben zu lassen.
We strive to create a valuable experience for our guests, employees, and business partners while remaining conscious of our impact. As passionate hosts, our guests and their needs are always at the forefront of our attention. At Zollenspieker Fährhaus, we prioritize sustainability, regionality, and quality in our gastronomy. Harmony is essential within our team, as discordance or discrepancies can be detrimental and disruptive.
Innovation and reliability are highly valued at our company to achieve a successful corporate structure.
Bees from the Elbe River
Traditional House
Event Spaces
Event Spaces:
The Unique Location
June 10, 2012
Weight: 13.000 kilograms
Height: 3,80 m
Stonewall in the atrium
Monastery wall stones from Berlin